what is the solution for this problem,create three sets, set A, B, and set C by going through the items in your wallet or purse.

Set A will be a list of all of these items.
Create Set B, from the items in Set A that you think are essential.
Create Set C, by taking the complement of Set B in Set A, i.e. All of the non-essential items in your wallet or purse.
Are sets B and C proper subset of set A? Explain.

To create the sets A, B, and C, start by listing all the items in your wallet or purse.

Set A: This will be a list of all the items found in your wallet or purse.

Next, create Set B, which will consist of the essential items from Set A. These can be items that you cannot do without or use on a daily basis.

Finally, create Set C by taking the complement of Set B in Set A. Set C will include all the non-essential items in your wallet or purse. These are items that you can survive without or do not use frequently.

Now, let's determine if sets B and C are proper subsets of set A.

A proper subset means that every element in the subset is also in the main set, but the subset is not equal to the main set.

In this case, since Set B consists of only the essential items from Set A, it is possible for Set B to be a proper subset of Set A.

Set C, on the other hand, is the complement of Set B in Set A. This means that Set C contains all the elements in Set A that are not in Set B. So, Set C can also be a proper subset of Set A.

To summarize, both sets B and C can be proper subsets of set A, depending on the specific items in your wallet or purse and your classification of essential and non-essential items.

To solve this problem, you need to follow these steps:

1. List all the items in your wallet or purse. This will create Set A.

2. Choose the items from Set A that you consider to be essential. These items will form Set B.

3. Take the remaining items in Set A that are not part of Set B. This will give you Set C, which consists of all the non-essential items.

Now, let's analyze whether Sets B and C are proper subsets of Set A.

- Set B: Set B is a proper subset of Set A if and only if every element in Set B is also an element of Set A, and there is at least one element in Set A that is not in Set B.

To determine if Set B is a proper subset of Set A, check if all the items you consider essential (in Set B) are indeed present in Set A. Also, verify if there is at least one item in Set A that is not included in Set B. If both conditions hold true, then Set B is a proper subset of Set A.

- Set C: Set C is a proper subset of Set A if and only if every element in Set C is also an element of Set A, and there is at least one element in Set A that is not in Set C.

To determine if Set C is a proper subset of Set A, check if all the non-essential items (in Set C) are present in Set A. Additionally, make sure there is at least one item in Set A that is not present in Set C. If both conditions are satisfied, then Set C is a proper subset of Set A.

Therefore, to find out if Sets B and C are proper subsets of Set A, you need to compare the elements in each set and verify that the necessary conditions are met.