Why is carbon dioxide gas that carbonates fountain drinks stored in sturdy canisters?

The CO2 is under pressure; a sturdy container is needed.

Carbon dioxide gas, which is used to carbonate fountain drinks, is stored in sturdy canisters primarily for safety reasons. These canisters are designed to withstand high pressure, ensuring the gas remains contained until it is released to carbonate the beverages.

To understand why carbon dioxide is stored in sturdy canisters, we need to consider the properties of the gas and the requirements for its storage:

1. High Pressure: Carbon dioxide is typically stored as a compressed gas, meaning it is under high pressure. This is necessary to keep carbon dioxide in its gaseous state at room temperature. To prevent leakage or rupture, the canisters must be strong enough to withstand this pressure. Sturdy canisters are made from materials like steel or aluminum, which have the required strength to contain the high-pressure gas safely.

2. Safety: Carbon dioxide can be hazardous if mishandled or released in an uncontrolled manner. In high concentrations, it can displace oxygen and lead to asphyxiation. To minimize the risks associated with handling carbon dioxide, robust canisters are necessary to ensure the gas remains securely contained until it is intentionally released.

3. Transportation: Carbon dioxide canisters are often transported from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers or service stations. Sturdy canisters offer protection during transit, preventing accidental leaks or damage that could compromise the integrity of the gas.

In summary, carbon dioxide gas used to carbonate fountain drinks is stored in sturdy canisters to safely contain the high-pressure gas, preventing leaks, ensuring security during transportation, and minimizing potential hazards associated with carbon dioxide handling.