Solve the equation and check your solution. Thank You

3/v= v/2v+9

I will help you. What gradelevel?

I am sure you meant

3/v= v/(2v+9)

if so, then
v^2 = 6v + 27
v^2 - 6v - 27 = 0
(v-9)(v+3) = 0
v = 9 or v = -3

v^2 = 6v + 27

v^2 - 6v - 27 = 0
(v-9)(v+3) = 0
v = 9 or v = -3

v would equal 9

To solve the equation 3/v = v/2v + 9, we can start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

On the left side, we have 3/v. We can rewrite this as 3 * (1/v) or 3v^(-1).

On the right side, we have v/2v + 9. We can simplify this as 1/2 + 9, which becomes 1/2 + 18/2. Combining the fractions, we get 19/2.

Now, our equation becomes 3v^(-1) = 19/2.

To solve for v, we can multiply both sides of the equation by v to remove the denominator:

3v^(-1) * v = (19/2) * v

On the left side, v^(-1) * v is equal to 1, so we are left with just 3v:

3v = (19/2) * v

Next, we want to isolate v. We can start by subtracting (19/2) * v from both sides of the equation:

3v - (19/2) * v = 0

Combining like terms on the left side, we have:

(3 - 19/2) * v = 0

To simplify further, we need to find a common denominator for 3 and 19/2. The common denominator is 2, so we have:

(6/2 - 19/2) * v = 0

(-13/2) * v = 0

Now, we have (-13/2) * v = 0. To solve for v, we can divide both sides of the equation by (-13/2):

v = 0 / (-13/2)

When we divide 0 by any number, the result is always 0. Therefore, v = 0.

To check our solution, we can substitute v = 0 back into the original equation:

3/v = v/2v + 9

Substituting v = 0, we have:

3/0 = 0/2(0) + 9

Since division by 0 is undefined, the left side of the equation is undefined.

Therefore, there is no solution to the equation 3/v = v/2v + 9.