98. Solve the equation -49 = x - 50


94. Determine if the following equation is a function: x=2


92. Determine if the following equation is a function: y=5


89. Solve for x in the equation:
6/7x - 6 = -2

I got x=28/3

86. Does the following set of coordinates make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line when connected with a straight line? (2,2), (5,2)
a. horizontal
b. diagonal
c. vertical
d. none of the above


82. True or False: A function is a relation.

This is a little confusing...

81. If f(x) = 2x + 1, then f(-2)=_____.

78. If f(x) = 3x - 5, then f(2) = _____.

Write an algebraic expression for the sum of b and --


92, yes, y=5 is a function.

82, a function is a relation, but not all relations are functions.

89 I cant tell what the problem is without grouping symbols.

All others right.

Thank you :)

98. -49 = x - 50

add 50 to both sides
x = 1
94. no (vertical line is not a function)
92. yes (horizontal line is a function)
89. (6/7)x - 6 = -2
add 6 to both sides
= (6/7)x = 4
multiply both sides by (7/6)
= x = 28/6
86. a. horizontal
the y values are the same, so when they are connected, it makes a horizontal line
82. True, a function is a relation
81. f(-2) = 2(-2) + 1
= -4 + 1
= 3
78. f(2) = 3(2) - 5
= 6 - 5
= 1



To solve the equation -49 = x - 50, you need to isolate the variable x. Start by adding 50 to both sides of the equation:

-49 + 50 = x - 50 + 50
1 = x

So the solution is x = 1.

To determine if the equation x = 2 is a function, you check if there is a unique y-value corresponding to each x-value. In this case, x = 2 does not provide any information about y, so it is not a function.

Similarly, for the equation y = 5, there is no relation to x. Every y-value is 5, regardless of the x-value. Therefore, it is also not a function.

To solve for x in the equation (6/7)x - 6 = -2, you can start by adding 6 to both sides of the equation:

(6/7)x - 6 + 6 = -2 + 6
(6/7)x = 4

Next, multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 6/7, which is 7/6:

(7/6)(6/7)x = (7/6)(4)
x = 28/3

So the solution is x = 28/3.

The set of coordinates (2,2) and (5,2) creates a horizontal line because the y-values remain constant (2) while the x-values increase. Therefore, the answer is a. horizontal.

In terms of mathematical definitions, a function is a type of relation. So the statement "A function is a relation" is true.

To find f(-2) in the function f(x) = 2x + 1, simply substitute -2 for x in the equation:

f(-2) = 2(-2) + 1
f(-2) = -4 + 1
f(-2) = -3

Therefore, f(-2) equals -3.

Following the same process for f(2) in the function f(x) = 3x - 5:

f(2) = 3(2) - 5
f(2) = 6 - 5
f(2) = 1

So, f(2) equals 1.

The algebraic expression for the sum of b and 11 is b + 11.