I have already put what I think are the correct answers. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I REALLY appreciate your feedback.

1- The process of breaking a complex
substance down into smaller
components is called?

A- neutralization
B- metabolism
C- anabolism
D- catabolism

Answer- C

2- An approach to skin cancer treatment
would involve surgery, either alone
or combined with?

A- chemotherapy
B- topical corticosteroids
C- oral antibiotics
D- anti-melanin medications

Answer- A

3- Which one of the following compounds
is an organic molecule?

A- Table salt (NaCI)
B- Hair and nails
C- Capillaries and nerve fibers
D- The subcutaneous layer of the skin

Answer- B

4- Where are keratinized cells found in
the body?

A- sweat and sebaceous glands
B- hair and nails
C- capillaries and nerve fibers
D- the subcutaneous layer of the skin

Answer- B

5- What are the constituents of DNA?

A- Proteins and sugars
B- Sugars, phosphates, and nitrogenous
C- Sugars and lipids
D- Lipids, nitrogenous bases, and

Answer- C

6- Structurally, what is the difference
between the dermis and the epidermis?

A- the epidermis is thicker
B- the dermis contains more types of
C- the dermis is made mostly of dead
D- the epidermis consists of mostly
adipose cells

Answer- C

7- Normal urine is _________, as
indicated by its pH value?

A- slightly alkaline
B- neutral
C- slightly acidic
D- extremely alkaline

Answer- C

8- A dog bites a large chunk of flesh
from a man's leg. The large, open
wound will likely heal by the
process of?

A- scab formation
B- primary repair
C- granulation
D- secondary graft

Answer- B

9- A cell digests proteins through a
_________ process?

A- lysosomal
B- phagocytotic
C- mitotic
D- perioxisomal

Answer- B

10- The function of smooth muscle is to

A- cushioning around the joints
B- involuntary movement
C- rapid contractions
D- skeletal support

Answer- D

11- Which one of the following
processes is achieved through

A- a cube of sugar dissolving in coffee
B- particles of oxygen filling the lungs
C- transport of proteins from the
endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi
D- water moving across the cell membrane

Answer- C

12- Which one of the following is an
example of epithelial tissue?

A- aponeuroses
B- subcutaneous skin layer
C- lining of the digestive tract
D- larynx

Answer- C

13- Which one of the following is a
consequence of cell specialization?

A- the cells can reproduce more rapidly
B- the cells may lose the ability to
perform other functions
C- the cells are less likely to become
D- the cells become more self-sufficient

Answer- A

14- A 72-year-old man is diagnosed with
a 7cm primary tumor in his colon,
which has spread to the liver.
Which of the following features
indicates that the tumor is

A- the patient's advanced age
B- the location of the primary tumor
C- the spreading of the tumor
D- the size of the tumor

Answer- D

15- The full set of genes that make up
an organism is called its?

A- genome
B- chromosome
C- clone
D- map

Answer- A

16- A patient admitted to the hospital
for sun stroke, requiring hydration
with intravenous fluid, will most
likely be given a/an ________

A- hypotonic
B- hypertonic
C- osmosis
D- isotonic

Answer- D

17- Which one of the following groups
of tissue types is found in blood

A- connective, muscle, and nervous
B- muscle and nervous tissues
C- connective, epithelial, and nervous
D- epithelial and muscle tissues

Answer- A

18- In diffusion, movement of particles
across a membrane is driven by
differences in?

A- force
B- concentration
C- size
D- shape

Answer- A

19- A 22-year-old man is stabbed in the
chest. Which organ systems are
most likely to be directly injured?

A- nervous and circulatory systems
B- respiratory and reproductive systems
C- digestive and endocrine systems
D- respiratory and circulatory systems

Answer- D

20- Amino acids that you obtain from
eating foods are classified as?

A- essential
B- facilitated
C- extracellular
D- inorganic

Answer- A

21- The function of the respiratory
system closely overlaps with that
of the ________ system.

A- excretory
B- skeletal
C- endocrine
D- integumentary

Answer- A

22- Chromosomes can be seen only during?

A- active transport
B- cell division
C- meiosis
D- neutralization

Answer- B

23- Combining a base and an acid forms?

A- DNA and gas
B- ions
C- sodium hydroxide
D- salt and water

Answer- D

24- Lying by the pool on a sunny day
will produce an increase in the

A- melanin
B- keratin
C- sebum
D- collagen

Answer- A

25- Glucose is the main source of cell
energy, but any glucose that can't
be used immediately is stored for
future use as?

A- galactose
B- fat
C- glycogen
D- carbohydrates

Answer- B

26- Treatment for a carbuncle involves?

A- topical antibacterial cream
B- hydrocortisone injections
C- surgical drainage and oral
D- griseofulvin and moisturizers

Answer- B

27- A 67-year-old patient suffering
from profound memory loss and
confusion may be evaluated for
suspected Alzheimer's disease.
What medical imaging technique may
be used for this evaluation?

A- position emission tomography
B- magnetic resonance imaging
C- computed axial tomography
D- ultrasound imaging

Answer- C

28- Which one of the following
processes is performed by the
endocrine system?

A- transport of hormones to muscles
B- breakdown of hormones into simpler
C- secretion of hormones from cells
D- excretion of hormones from the body

Answer- A

29- A wart is an example of a/an?

A- papule
B- nodule
C- ulcer
D- bulla

Answer- D

we can supply help, but wont do the assignment for you.


Umm..they have all the answers on there. They just want it checked. That's allowed.

Would you be able 2 help me then? Could you check them for me & let me know how I did?

Great job on providing your answers! Here is a breakdown of the correct answers and explanations for each question:

1. The process of breaking a complex substance down into smaller components is called catabolism (Answer D). It is important to understand the definitions of the given options in order to choose the correct one.

2. An approach to skin cancer treatment that involves surgery, either alone or combined with other methods, would typically include chemotherapy (Answer A). Combining surgery with chemotherapy is a common treatment option for skin cancer.

3. An organic molecule refers to a compound that contains carbon and is essential for life. In this case, hair and nails (Answer B) are examples of organic molecules. The other options do not meet the criteria for being an organic molecule.

4. Keratinized cells are found in hair and nails (Answer B). Understanding the role of keratin in these structures will lead you to the correct answer.

5. DNA is composed of sugars, phosphates, and nitrogenous bases (Answer B). Remembering the structure of DNA will help you identify the correct answer.

6. The difference between the dermis and the epidermis is that the dermis contains more types of tissue (Answer B). The other options do not accurately describe the difference between these layers of the skin.

7. Normal urine is slightly acidic (Answer C), as indicated by its pH value. Understanding the pH scale will enable you to identify the correct answer.

8. A large, open wound will likely heal by primary repair (Answer B). Primary repair refers to the process of wound healing where the wound edges are brought together and sutured.

9. A cell digests proteins through a phagocytotic process (Answer B). Phagocytosis is the process in which a cell engulfs and digests solid particles, such as proteins.

10. The function of smooth muscle is to provide involuntary movement (Answer B). Understanding the function of different types of muscle tissue will lead you to the correct answer.

11. Osmosis is the process by which water moves across the cell membrane (Answer D). Understanding the process of osmosis will help you identify the correct answer.

12. The lining of the digestive tract (Answer C) is an example of epithelial tissue. Understanding the different types of tissues in the body will enable you to identify the correct answer.

13. One consequence of cell specialization is that the cells may lose the ability to perform other functions (Answer B). Understanding the concept of cell specialization will lead you to the correct answer.

14. The size of the tumor (Answer D) indicates that it is likely malignant. Malignant tumors are typically larger in size compared to benign tumors.

15. The full set of genes that make up an organism is called its genome (Answer A). Understanding the terminology associated with genetic information will help you identify the correct answer.

16. A patient requiring hydration with intravenous fluid for sunstroke will most likely be given an isotonic solution (Answer D). Isotonic solutions have the same osmolarity as bodily fluids and are commonly used for fluid replacement.

17. Connective, muscle, and nervous tissues (Answer A) are found in blood vessels. Understanding the types of tissues found in blood vessels will lead you to the correct answer.

18. In diffusion, the movement of particles across a membrane is driven by differences in concentration (Answer B). Understanding the process of diffusion will help you identify the correct answer.

19. When a person is stabbed in the chest, the respiratory and circulatory systems (Answer D) are most likely to be directly injured. Understanding the location of different organs and systems in the body will lead you to the correct answer.

20. Amino acids obtained from food are classified as essential (Answer A). Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet.

21. The function of the respiratory system closely overlaps with that of the excretory system (Answer A). Understanding the functions of different organ systems in the body will help you identify the correct answer.

22. Chromosomes can be seen only during cell division (Answer B). Understanding the role and visibility of chromosomes during the cell cycle will lead you to the correct answer.

23. Combining a base and an acid forms a salt and water (Answer D). Understanding the concept of acid-base reactions will help you identify the correct answer.

24. Lying by the pool on a sunny day will produce an increase in the protein melanin (Answer A). Understanding the role of melanin in skin pigmentation will lead you to the correct answer.

25. Glucose that can't be used immediately is stored for future use as fat (Answer B). Understanding the process of glucose metabolism and storage will help you identify the correct answer.

26. Treatment for a carbuncle typically involves surgical drainage and oral antibiotics (Answer C). Understanding the appropriate treatment options for skin infections and conditions will lead you to the correct answer.

27. Computed axial tomography (Answer C) may be used for evaluating a patient with suspected Alzheimer's disease. Understanding the different medical imaging techniques will help you identify the correct answer.

28. The endocrine system is responsible for the transport of hormones to muscles (Answer A). Understanding the role of the endocrine system in hormone regulation will lead you to the correct answer.

29. A wart is an example of a bulla (Answer D). Understanding the different types of skin lesions will help you identify the correct answer.

I hope these explanations help clarify the correct answers for you!