Do you mind my opening the window?

- Of course not.
- Certainly not.
- No, not at all.
- Not at all.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, I do.
- I'm afraid so.
- I'm sorry, but I feel so cold.
- I'm afraid you can't. I have a cold.

(Are the answers all suitable? Do you have some more suitable answers to the question?)

All of the answers are fine. Nice job.

Yes, these are all suitable responses to the question "Do you mind my opening the window?" They represent a range of possible answers, from completely welcoming the idea of opening the window to politely declining due to personal reasons or circumstances, such as feeling cold or having a cold.

However, it's worth noting that responses may vary depending on the context and the specific situation. There can be more suitable answers based on the individual's personal preferences, the weather conditions, or any other relevant factors. For example:

- Sure, go ahead! I think some fresh air would be nice.
- Not at all, feel free to open it.
- Please, feel free to open the window if it's too stuffy.
- I'd prefer if you didn't because I have allergies. Is there another way we can improve the air circulation?

The key is to communicate your preferences or concerns politely and consider any potential impact it may have on others.