You are a manager in a large, global manufacturing and services organization. You're trying to explain to your grandfather how different your job is from his before he retired ten years ago. You both know how society has changed and you want to explain how that has changed management. Select two of the five topics listed below, and discuss how management has changed, with respect to both of the topics you selected. Use of real world examples would be appropriate.

Organizational culture
The outside environment
Corporate responsibility and ethics
Society and trends (such as diversity)

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

As a manager in a large, global manufacturing and services organization, my job is vastly different from how it was ten years ago when my grandfather retired. Two topics that have had a significant impact on management are globalization and society and trends.

First, let's talk about how globalization has changed the role of a manager. In the past, companies operated within their borders, with limited interactions and competition from other parts of the world. However, today's managers are part of a global marketplace, where businesses and customers are connected across continents. This has necessitated a shift in management practices to adapt to a more diverse and interconnected world.

Globalization has led managers to adopt a more cross-cultural mindset. They need to understand and appreciate different cultural norms, values, and communication styles to effectively manage teams and collaborate with international partners. For example, consider a manager working in a multinational company with team members from different countries. This manager must not only be aware of cultural nuances but also encourage diversity and inclusivity to leverage the strengths of each team member. Failure to do so can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and reduced team performance.

Additionally, globalization has increased the complexity of managing supply chains. Managers now need to navigate through various economic, political, and legal systems across different countries. They must be aware of trade agreements, tariffs, and regulations that can impact sales, distribution, and sourcing. A manager might have to negotiate contracts with suppliers from different regions, considering exchange rate fluctuations and cultural differences that influence business practices.

Now let's move on to how management has changed with respect to society and trends. Society has become more diverse and inclusive, and managers must respond to these changes to ensure organizational success. For instance, companies are embracing diversity by actively recruiting and promoting employees from different backgrounds and providing equal opportunities for advancement. A manager needs to foster an inclusive work environment where all employees feel valued and can contribute their unique perspectives.

Moreover, emerging societal trends have prompted managers to address corporate responsibility and ethics. Today, consumers are increasingly concerned about how businesses impact the environment, treat their employees, and contribute to social causes. As a result, managers are expected to lead organizations in ethical decision-making, sustainability initiatives, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. For example, companies like Patagonia have integrated environmental sustainability into their business strategies, setting an example for other organizations.

In conclusion, as a manager in a global manufacturing and services organization, my role has evolved significantly compared to my grandfather's time. Globalization has necessitated a cross-cultural mindset, supply chain management across borders, and a broader perspective on markets and competition. Additionally, changes in society and trends have emphasized the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and responsible business practices. Adapting to these changes is critical for managers to thrive in today's dynamic business environment.