i need to compare theatres technology from today and in the elizabethan era. but i have to also use proof or quotes from the book cue for treason. help?

To compare theatres technology from today with the Elizabethan era using evidence from the book "Cue for Treason," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: Start by thoroughly reading the book "Cue for Treason" by Geoffrey Trease. Pay close attention to any descriptions or mentions of theatrical technology or the setting of the Elizabethan era.

2. Research the Elizabethan era: Familiarize yourself with the historical context of the Elizabethan era. Look for information on the technology available at that time, particularly in the field of theatre.

3. Identify differences in technology: Based on your research and the descriptions in the book, identify the technological differences between theatres in the Elizabethan era and today.

4. Find evidence in the book: Look for specific passages or quotes in "Cue for Treason" that touch upon the topic of theatre technology. This evidence will add credibility to your comparison.

5. Compare lighting and sound technology: Pay attention to any mentions of how lighting and sound were used in the Elizabethan era compared to today's theatres. Explore how lighting techniques, such as the use of candles or natural light, differed from modern lighting systems. Analyze sound effects, including live music or the lack of audio amplification.

6. Contrast stage design: Examine the descriptions of stage design in the Elizabethan era versus contemporary theatres. Look for any references to the architecture, set construction, or prop usage of Elizabethan theatres. Compare this to the more advanced set design technologies of modern-day theatres.

7. Consider the audience experience: Look for any passages in the book that describe the audience's perspective during a performance. Reflect on any differences in audience seating, engagement, or interaction between the two eras.

8. Analyze other references: While directly comparing technology might be challenging, consider analyzing other references in the book that may indirectly showcase the differences between Elizabethan and modern theatre technology. For example, if the characters in the book encounter challenges due to the limitations of technology, that could imply a disparity between their time and ours.

By following these steps, you can gather evidence and quotes from "Cue for Treason" to compare and contrast theatres' technology from today and the Elizabethan era. This will help you strengthen your analysis and provide a well-supported answer.