How are mm, torr, psi, atm, and Pa related to each other?

The units mm, torr, psi, atm, and Pa are all used to measure pressure. Let's go through each unit and understand how they are related to each other:

1. Millimeter of Mercury (mmHg):
- This unit is commonly used in medicine and is based on the height of a column of mercury in a barometer.
- 1 mmHg is equivalent to 1 torr, as "torr" is a unit used to measure pressure based on the height of a mercury column.

2. Torr:
- The torr is another unit commonly used to measure pressure.
- 1 torr is equal to the pressure exerted by a 1 mmHg column of mercury.
- Therefore, 1 torr is also equal to 133.322 Pa (Pascal), which is the SI unit for pressure.

3. Pounds per Square Inch (psi):
- This unit is commonly used in engineering and industry, particularly in the United States.
- 1 psi is defined as the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch.
- 1 psi is approximately equal to 6895 pascals.

4. Atmosphere (atm):
- The atmosphere is a unit commonly used in meteorology and for everyday atmospheric pressure.
- 1 atm is defined as the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth, which is approximately equal to 101325 pascals.
- 1 atm is also approximately equal to 760 mmHg or 760 torr.

5. Pascal (Pa):
- The Pascal is the SI unit for pressure and is used in scientific and international contexts.
- 1 Pascal is defined as the pressure exerted by a force of 1 Newton on an area of 1 square meter.

In summary, mm, torr, psi, atm, and Pa are different units used to measure pressure. They are related to each other through conversion factors: 1 atm = 101325 Pa = 760 mmHg = 760 torr, and 1 torr = 133.322 Pa. These conversion factors can be used to convert between any of these pressure units.