Why is the carbon dioxide gas that carbonates fountain drinks stored in sturdy canisters?

As temperature rises the pressure inside the containers rise; thus one must have sturdy containers.

1. Why is the carbon dioxide gas that carbonates fountain drinks and powers paintball guns stored in sturdy canisters?

1. Why is the carbon dioxide gas that carbonates fountain drinks and powers paintball guns stored in sturdy canisters?

The carbon dioxide gas that carbonates fountain drinks is stored in sturdy canisters for a few reasons.

Firstly, carbon dioxide can be stored under high pressure, usually around 800 psi (pounds per square inch). Sturdy canisters are designed to withstand this high pressure without rupturing or leaking, ensuring safe storage and transportation of the gas. These canisters are typically made from strong materials like steel or aluminum, which have high tensile strength.

Secondly, carbon dioxide is a non-flammable gas but it can be hazardous if released in large quantities, as it can displace oxygen in confined spaces and lead to asphyxiation. Thus, the canisters used for storing carbon dioxide are designed to be leak-proof and equipped with safety valves. These valves ensure that the pressure is regulated within the canister and prevent the release of excessive amounts of gas.

Lastly, sturdy canisters also protect the carbon dioxide gas from external elements that could potentially contaminate or degrade it. These canisters are often designed with an inner lining or coating that prevents any chemical reaction between the gas and the container walls.

In summary, the sturdy canisters used to store carbon dioxide gas for carbonating fountain drinks are specifically designed to safely contain and transport the high-pressure gas while preventing leaks, ensuring safety, and protecting against contamination.

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