Which of the following is not a characteristic of a thesis?

It is very narrow.
It is expressed in a sentence.
It does not announce.
It is not too broad.

my answer
It does not announce.

To determine which of the given characteristics is not associated with a thesis, we can individually assess each option.

1. "It is very narrow" - This characteristic aligns with a thesis statement. A thesis should be focused and specific.

2. "It is expressed in a sentence" - This is another defining feature of a thesis statement. A thesis should be succinctly stated in a single sentence.

3. "It does not announce" - This characteristic does not apply to a thesis statement. A thesis statement typically announces the main point or argument of an essay or research paper.

4. "It is not too broad" - This is yet another characteristic of a thesis statement. A thesis should be precise and avoid being too broad or general.

Based on the analysis above, the characteristic that is not associated with a thesis is "It does not announce." Therefore, the correct answer is "It does not announce."