In the figure, l is parallel to m, and m( 1) 5 60°. Find

each of the following:
b. m( 6)
l is paralled to m. this is how the numbers are listed
2 1
3 4
6 5
7 8

To find m(6), we need to use the given information that l is parallel to m and m(1) = 60°.

To understand which angle corresponds to m(6), we need to locate the corresponding angle based on the order of the numbers in the figure.

Based on the figure you provided, we can see that the angles 1 and 5 are corresponding angles since they are on the same side of the transversal and in the same relative position. Therefore, m(1) corresponds to m(5).

Now, since we are looking for m(6), we can conclude that m(6) corresponds to m(2). This is because angles 2 and 6 are in the same relative position and on the same side of the transversal.

So, we can say that m(6) = m(2).

Therefore, to find m(6), we need to find the measure of angle 2.

Unfortunately, the figure you provided doesn't offer any additional information about the measure of angle 2.

Please make sure you have included all the necessary information or provide any additional details you may have, so we can help you find the measure of angle 2 and thus m(6).