which function below if either has zeros that are complex conjugates?



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To determine if a function has complex conjugate zeros, we need to analyze its coefficients. Complex conjugate zeros occur when a polynomial function has complex numbers as its zeros in conjugate pairs, i.e., if a + bi is a zero, then a - bi is also a zero.

Let's start with the first function P(x) = x^4 - 7x^3 - 27x^2 + 63x + 81:

The coefficients of this function are:
a = 1
b = -7
c = -27
d = 63
e = 81

Next, we need to check if any of the coefficients are non-zero:
- The constant term (e = 81) is non-zero.

Since the constant term is non-zero, we cannot guarantee that the function P(x) has complex conjugate zeros.

Now let's analyze the second function H(x) = x^4 - x^2 + 25x - 25:

The coefficients of this function are:
a = 1
b = 0
c = -1
d = 25
e = -25

Again, we need to check if any of the coefficients are non-zero:
- The constant term (e = -25) is non-zero.

Since the constant term is non-zero, we cannot guarantee that the function H(x) has complex conjugate zeros either.

To summarize, neither of the functions P(x) or H(x) have zeros that are complex conjugates.