I need help with the beginning of my research paper; I have to make the beginning effectively hook the readers' attention but I'm not sure how to do that..please help.

Genetic engineering is a technology in which the genome of a living cell is modified for medical or industrial use. It’s used in our everyday life in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Today, genetic altering can prevent and treat diseases, and improve food. Perhaps in the future, genetic defects in female cells can be changed, such as the reinsertion of correct genes.

Genetic engineering techniques have been successful many times. For example, crop plants can be genetically engineered to have favorable characteristics, including improved yields and resistance to herbicides and destructive pests. Genetically engineered growth hormones increase milk production in dairy cows and weight gain in cattle and hogs. Cloning has also been effective. In 1997, a lamb named Dolly was successfully cloned. Transgenic animals can be cloned and used to make proteins that are useful in medicine.

Genetic engineering can improve life by giving us more nutritious crops and animals, with improved characteristics. It can be used to manufacture human proteins for use as drugs and to make safer and more effective vaccines. Some human genetic disorders are also being treated with gene therapy.

Even though genetic engineering can improve our life in many ways, it also has some risk factors. Many people, including scientists, have expressed concern that genetically modified crops might turn out to be dangerous. Some food crops such as corn and soybeans have been genetically rendered resistant to a weed killer named glyphosate that is harmless to humans. When used on a food crop, it will kill the weeds but not harm the crop, increasing food crop yields. Some scientists are concerned that the use of GM crops and the use of glyphosate will eventually lead to glyphosate-resistant weeds, which will leave farmers with few alternatives. Also, GM foods can increase the risk of allergic reactions by transferring allergens from one food to another -- and without labeling, the avoidance of potential allergens becomes a dangerous crop shoot. Lastly, Fresh-looking, brightly colored GE foods may actually be weeks old, with compromised nutritional value. Even FDA scientists warned the agency that genetic engineering could result in "undesirable alteration in the level of nutrients" of GE foods.


You might start with this:

Is genetic engineering a threat or a blessing?

Then, take a stand in your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

Is this alright as my 'hooking' beginning?

We find it mixed in our food on the shelves in the supermarket, we find it growing in a plot down the lane, test field release sites with genetically engineered seed, sugar beet, wheat, potato, strawberries and more. It is variously known as genetic engineering, which is a technology in which the genome of a living cell is modified for medical or industrial use. It’s used in our everyday life in agriculture, medicine, and industry.


To effectively hook the readers' attention in the beginning of your research paper, you can use various techniques. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Start with a compelling anecdote or real-life example: Begin with a story or scenario that highlights the impact of genetic engineering on a personal or societal level. For instance, you could narrate a case where genetic engineering has saved lives or improved the quality of life for individuals suffering from genetic diseases. This approach can engage readers emotionally and make them curious about the topic.

2. Use a thought-provoking quote or statistic: Begin with a powerful quote or a shocking statistic related to genetic engineering. This can grab the readers' attention and make them want to learn more. Look for quotes or statistics from reputable sources that highlight both the benefits and potential risks associated with genetic engineering.

3. Pose a provocative question: Start with a thought-provoking question that stimulates curiosity and encourages readers to contemplate the issues surrounding genetic engineering. A question like, "What if we could eliminate inherited diseases through genetic engineering?" or "Should we be concerned about the risks of genetically modified crops?" can prompt readers to think critically about the topic and generate interest.

4. Provide a brief historical or background context: Begin by giving a concise overview of the history and significance of genetic engineering. Explain its origins, major breakthroughs, and its widespread applications in various fields like medicine, agriculture, and industry. This background information can establish the importance of the topic and create intrigue for readers.

Remember, the goal of the introduction is to capture your readers' attention and make them want to continue reading. By using one or a combination of these techniques, you can effectively hook the readers' attention and set the stage for the rest of your research paper.