Does anyone know a website that i can go and find main verbs, auxiliary verbs, and linking verbs


Yes, there is a website called Ginger Software that provides a free online grammar checker. This tool allows you to analyze your text and identify main verbs, auxiliary verbs, and linking verbs. Simply visit the website, copy and paste your text into the editor, and run the analysis. The software will highlight the different types of verbs in your text.

Yes, there are several websites where you can find information about main verbs, auxiliary verbs, and linking verbs. One website that can be useful is Here's how you can find the information you're looking for:

1. Go to the Grammarly website at
2. On the homepage, you'll see a search bar at the top of the page. Type in "main verbs," "auxiliary verbs," or "linking verbs" and press enter.
3. Grammarly will provide you with a list of articles, blog posts, or educational resources related to your search query.
4. Click on the link that seems most relevant to your needs. This will take you to a page with more information about main verbs, auxiliary verbs, or linking verbs.
5. Read through the article or resource to learn more about the specific types of verbs you're interested in.

Alternatively, you can also try other reputable grammar websites such as Purdue OWL ( or English Grammar Online ( These websites offer comprehensive explanations and examples of main verbs, auxiliary verbs, and linking verbs.