Use the data in the following table to compare the number of people living in the United States from 1810 through 1900 and the number living in the United States from 1910 through 2000. Use any form of graphical representation to make the comparison and explain why you chose the representation that you did.

Number Year (thousands)
1810 7,239
1820 9,638
1830 12,866
1840 17,068
1850 23,191
1860 31,443
1870 38,558
1880 50,189
1890 62,979
1900 76,212
1910 92,228
1920 106,021
1930 123,202
1940 132,164
1950 151,325
1960 179,323
1970 203,302
1980 226,542
1990 248,765
2000 281,422

To compare the number of people living in the United States from 1810 through 1900 and the number living in the United States from 1910 through 2000, we can use a line graph. A line graph is a suitable representation for this comparison because it allows us to track changes over time and visualize trends.

To create a line graph based on the table data, follow these steps:

1. Choose a graphing tool: There are various graphing tools available online, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or specialized statistical software. You can use any of these tools to create a line graph.

2. Enter the data: Create a table or spreadsheet with two columns: "Year" and "Number of people (in thousands)." Enter the data from the table you provided into the respective columns.

3. Plot the points: Using your chosen graphing tool, plot the data points on a line graph. The x-axis should represent the years (from 1810 to 2000), and the y-axis should represent the number of people (in thousands). Each data point corresponds to a specific year and its corresponding number of people.

4. Connect the points: Once all the data points are plotted, connect them with a line to visualize the trend. This line will represent the change in the number of people living in the United States over time.

5. Label the axes: Make sure to label both the x-axis (years) and the y-axis (number of people) on the graph. This will provide clarity and context for interpreting the graph.

6. Add a title: Include a title that accurately describes the purpose of the graph, such as "Population in the United States: 1810-2000".

Once the line graph is complete, you can compare the number of people living in the United States between the two time periods. By observing the overall trend of the line, you can assess whether the population increased or decreased over time and identify any significant changes or patterns.

Please note that the exact appearance of the line graph may vary depending on the graphing tool you choose to use. The steps provided above offer a general framework for creating a line graph from the given data.