Use this percentage to calculate the mass of fluorine in grams contained in 29.0 g of copper (II) fluoride

What percentage?

To calculate the mass of fluorine in grams contained in 29.0 g of copper (II) fluoride, we need to use the percentage of fluorine in the compound. Let's assume the percentage of fluorine in copper (II) fluoride is 53.5%.

Here's how you can calculate the mass of fluorine:

1. Convert the mass of copper (II) fluoride into moles. To do this, we need to know the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride. The molar mass of copper (II) fluoride can be calculated by adding the atomic masses of all the elements in the compound. The atomic masses of copper (Cu), fluorine (F), and oxygen (O) are 63.55 g/mol, 18.998 g/mol, and 16.00 g/mol, respectively. Since copper (II) fluoride has two fluorine atoms and one copper atom, the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride is calculated as follows:

Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride = (2 x Molar mass of fluorine) + Molar mass of copper + Molar mass of oxygen
Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride = 2(18.998 g/mol) + 63.55 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol
Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride = 63.55 g/mol + 35.996 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol
Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride = 115.55 g/mol

Therefore, the molar mass of copper (II) fluoride is 115.55 g/mol.

To convert the mass of copper (II) fluoride (29.0 g) into moles, divide the given mass by the molar mass:

Number of moles of copper (II) fluoride = Mass of copper (II) fluoride / Molar mass of copper (II) fluoride
Number of moles of copper (II) fluoride = 29.0 g / 115.55 g/mol

2. Calculate the moles of fluorine. Since there are two moles of fluorine per mole of copper (II) fluoride (according to the chemical formula CuF2), multiply the number of moles of copper (II) fluoride by 2 to get the moles of fluorine:

Number of moles of fluorine = 2 x Number of moles of copper (II) fluoride

3. Convert the moles of fluorine into grams. To do this, multiply the moles of fluorine by the molar mass of fluorine:

Mass of fluorine = Number of moles of fluorine x Molar mass of fluorine

The molar mass of fluorine is 18.998 g/mol.

Now, let's plug in the values:

Number of moles of copper (II) fluoride = 29.0 g / 115.55 g/mol
Number of moles of fluorine = 2 x (29.0 g / 115.55 g/mol)
Mass of fluorine = (2 x (29.0 g / 115.55 g/mol)) x 18.998 g/mol

Calculate the value to obtain the mass of fluorine in grams contained in 29.0 g of copper (II) fluoride.