A balloon appears to be yellow when seen in white light. Explain the colour it will appear in a) green light and b) magenta light. I really don't undestand the subtractive theory of light, and it applies to this question. Can you please explain to me how to get the answer?


Certainly! Understanding the subtractive theory of light will help us explain the colors a balloon will appear in different colored lights.

In the subtractive theory of light, colors are determined by the way objects absorb or reflect certain wavelengths of light. When a light source, like white light, shines on an object, the object absorbs some wavelengths and reflects others. The color we perceive is the result of the wavelengths that are reflected back to our eyes.

Let's consider the balloon in different colored lights:

a) In green light: Green light consists mainly of wavelengths in the green part of the visible spectrum. When green light shines on the balloon, it means that the balloon is primarily exposed to green wavelengths. At a basic level, the balloon will appear yellow in white light because it reflects all colors of light, including yellow. However, in green light, the balloon will absorb the green wavelengths in the light, reflecting back a combination of all other colors except green. Therefore, the balloon will appear as a mix of colors other than green, possibly leaning towards a reddish or orange shade.

b) In magenta light: Magenta light consists of a combination of blue and red wavelengths. When magenta light shines on the balloon, the balloon will absorb the blue and red wavelengths in the light, reflecting back the green wavelengths (which make up the color magenta). Therefore, the balloon will appear magenta or a shade similar to magenta under the effect of magenta light.

To summarize, understanding the subtractive theory of light helps us determine that the balloon will appear as a mix of colors (leaning towards reddish/orange) in green light and as magenta in magenta light.