how do you find the percent of

$20768 ?

This is not enough information. You need another number. Either the original price or a discounted price or something???

You posted this question yesterday as "jane"

It did not make sense yesterday, and it does not make sense today

To find the percent of a value, you need to multiply it by the desired percentage. In this case, let's say you want to find 15% of $20768.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 15% is equal to 0.15 (15/100 = 0.15).

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the value to find the percent. Multiply $20768 by 0.15.

$20768 * 0.15 = $3115.20

Therefore, 15% of $20768 is $3115.20.