Thank you very much for your invaluable help. I wrote a few more paragraphs on Richardson's Pamela I hope you can check, too.(the parts in brackets)

1)Pamela is (was) written in epistolary form, that is in the form of letters exchanged between Pamela and her parents. In particular, most letters are written by Pamela herself and a few by her parents. (Is the definition clear?)
2)The epistolary novel, telling a fictious story based on real life, was meant for a new middle class (?) reading public, that had not been interested in books before.
3) It reflected (?) the fashion of letter-writing of the period and was later taken up by other foreign writers such as Ugo Foscolo an Wolfgang Goethe.
4) As proper of this kind of novel (? how can express this?) Richardson places himself in the role of an editor, arranging and publishing, without comment, a series of thirty-two letters followed by a long journal which Pamela herself wrote while cut off (isolated, I need a synonym?) from her friends at B-Hall.
4) In the first part of the novel Pamela writes letters to her parents speaking about her moral problems and asking for advice. In the second part Mr B imprisons her in his country house. Here Pamela continues writing but she is not sure her parents will ever receive her letters.
5) The features of the use of this technique are as follows.
6) First of all, it is important to point out (?) its immediacy. As stated by Richardson himself, this kind of writing allows the reader greater access to the character’s inner world. The reader is actually taken inside the minds of the characters and is invited to share their innermost thoughts, feelings and moods.
7) Then, the characters introduce one another using letters instead of speech, and the action is made up by a series of scenes with no general summaries.
8) As the letters are written in first-person, they provide different individual points of view on the same event, which can be fully explored.

1. yes

2. do you need "reading public?"
3. ok
4. (first 4) Like this type of novel? / remote, removed, solitary, secluded
4. (2nd 4) ok
5. The feat ures of this technique...
6., 7., and 8. = ok


1) Yes, the definition of epistolary form is clear. It means that the novel is written in the form of letters exchanged between characters, in this case between Pamela and her parents. Pamela primarily writes most of the letters, with a few written by her parents.

2) Yes, you're correct. The epistolary novel was meant for a new middle class reading public who had not been interested in books before. It aimed to capture their attention and cater to their interests.

3) Yes, the novel reflected the fashion of letter-writing during that time period. It became popular and was later adopted by other foreign writers, such as Ugo Foscolo and Wolfgang Goethe.

4) As for expressing that Richardson placed himself in the role of an editor, you can say that he arranged and published the collection of letters without offering any commentary or intervention. He acted as a curator, presenting the letters in their original form without adding any additional information or interpretation. Instead, the letters are followed by a long journal that Pamela herself wrote while she was isolated or cut off from her friends at B-Hall. If you're looking for a synonym for isolated, you could use "separated."

5) In the first part of the novel, Pamela writes letters to her parents, discussing her moral dilemmas and seeking their advice. In the second part, Mr. B imprisons her in his country house. Despite the circumstances, Pamela continues to write letters, although she is uncertain whether her parents will ever receive them.

6) Now onto the features of using the epistolary technique:
- Firstly, it's important to highlight its immediacy. Richardson himself stated that this form of writing allows the reader to have a greater understanding of the character's inner world. The reader is given direct access to the characters' thoughts, feelings, and moods, allowing for a deeper connection and empathy.
- Secondly, the characters introduce each other through letters instead of using direct speech. The action of the story unfolds through a series of scenes rather than general summaries.

7) Since the letters are written in first-person, they provide different individual points of view on the same event, which can be fully explored. This allows the reader to gain multiple perspectives on the events and enhances their understanding and engagement with the story.

I hope this helps clarify the points you made. Let me know if you have any further questions!