I know that this seems like a REALLY EASY question, but for some reason I cannot think of anything!

2. What technologies have been developed that use light?

This is from a grade 8 textbook, so nothing to technical!

The computer writes to a disk with laser light. Compact disks are read with laser light. Perhaps that example will recharge your thinking battery.

No worries! Sometimes, it's just a matter of not knowing where to start or having a mental block. Let's take it step by step.

To answer the question, "What technologies have been developed that use light?" you can think about everyday devices or inventions that involve the use of light. Here are a few examples:

1. Flashlights: Flashlights are portable devices that produce light using a bulb and batteries. They are handy for illuminating dark areas during power outages or when you need extra light.

2. Light bulbs: Light bulbs are a common technology that uses electricity to produce light. They come in various types, including incandescent, fluorescent, and LED bulbs.

3. Photography: Cameras and smartphones with cameras use light to capture images. Light passes through a lens, strikes a photosensitive surface (such as a film or a digital sensor), and creates a photograph or a digital image.

4. Fiber optics: Fiber optic technology uses light to transmit data through thin strands of glass or plastic fibers. This technology is commonly used for high-speed internet connections and telecommunications.

5. Reflectors: Reflectors, such as those used on bicycles or vehicles, utilize light to increase visibility and improve safety by bouncing light back towards its source.

6. Solar panels: Solar panels harness the energy from sunlight and convert it into electricity. These panels are used in a variety of applications, including powering homes, charging electronic devices, and providing energy for remote areas.

To find additional examples, you can think about devices that use light in different ways. Consider devices like laser pointers, digital projectors, traffic signals, or even simple things like neon signs or LED displays.

Remember, the key is to think about how light is used in various technologies and applications.