The function f is defined by

f(x) = x^3 - x^2 - 4x + 4

The point (a,b) is on the graph of f and the line tangent to the graph at (a,b) passes through the point (0, -8) which is not on the graph of f. Find the values of a and b.

I have no clue how to solve this
I know the derivative of f prime (x) is
3x^2 - 2x - 4 and so (a,b) would be on the derivative line and so would (0, -8) but how do i find (a,b)???

To solve this problem, we need to find the values of a and b. Since the point (a, b) is on the graph of f, we can substitute the value of a into the equation of f(x) to find the corresponding value of b.

Given the equation of f(x) = x^3 - x^2 - 4x + 4, we substitute a for x, and we have:

f(a) = a^3 - a^2 - 4a + 4 = b

Now we need to find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of f at the point (a, b). Since the line is tangent to the graph at that point, it has the same slope as the derivative of f(x) at x = a.

Taking the derivative of f(x), we have f'(x) = 3x^2 - 2x - 4. We substitute a for x:

f'(a) = 3a^2 - 2a - 4

Since the tangent line passes through the point (0, -8), we can find the equation of the line using the point-slope form:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

where m is the slope of the tangent line and (x1, y1) is the point on the tangent line (0, -8).

Plugging in the values, we have:

y - (-8) = (3a^2 - 2a - 4)(x - 0)

Simplifying, we get:

y + 8 = (3a^2 - 2a - 4)x

Now we have two equations:

f(a) = a^3 - a^2 - 4a + 4 = b

y + 8 = (3a^2 - 2a - 4)x

Since the line passes through the point (a, b), we can substitute b into the equation of the tangent line:

b + 8 = (3a^2 - 2a - 4)a

Simplifying this equation will help us find the values of a and b. Let's solve it step by step:

b + 8 = 3a^3 - 2a^2 - 4a

Move all the terms to one side:

3a^3 - 2a^2 - 4a - (b + 8) = 0

Now, if we know the value of b, we can solve this equation to find the values of a. However, based on the information provided, we don't have a specific value for b. We only know that it corresponds to the point (a, b) on the graph of f.

So, at this stage, we have an equation in terms of a and b, but we don't have a single solution for (a, b). To find specific values for a and b, we would need more information or constraints on their relationship.

Therefore, without additional information, we cannot determine the exact values of a and b.

To find the values of a and b, we need to consider two conditions:

1. The point (a, b) is on the graph of f(x), so it satisfies the equation f(a) = b.
2. The slope of the tangent line at (a, b) is equal to the slope of the line passing through (a, b) and (0, -8).

Let's start by finding the point (a, b):

1. Plug in the value of a into the function f(x) to get f(a):
f(a) = a^3 - a^2 - 4a + 4

2. Set f(a) equal to b:
f(a) = b

Now, let's find the slope of the tangent line at (a, b):

1. Find the derivative of the function f(x):
f'(x) = 3x^2 - 2x - 4

2. Substitute a into f'(x) to find the slope at (a, b):
m = f'(a) = 3a^2 - 2a - 4

Since the tangent line passes through (a, b) and (0, -8), the slope of the tangent line can also be found using the two points:

m = (b - (-8)) / (a - 0)

Now we have two expressions for the slope of the tangent line. Equating them, we get:

3a^2 - 2a - 4 = (b + 8) / a

Multiplying both sides by a to eliminate the fraction:

3a^3 - 2a^2 - 4a = b + 8

Finally, substituting f(a) = b, we have:

3a^3 - 2a^2 - 4a = f(a) + 8

Now, we need to solve this equation to find the values of a and b. This equation can be solved numerically or using advanced techniques like polynomial root-finding algorithms.