
Simply, just change the double negatives (--) to addition signs, and follow the order of operations.

To simplify the given expression -50--41--65+205-318+-5, we need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly remembered as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)).

First, let's address the double negatives: -50 - -41 - -65. The double negative signs cancel each other out, so we can rewrite this as -50 + 41 + 65.

Now, let's simplify the expression step by step:

-50 + 41 + 65 + 205 - 318 + -5

Next, let's perform the addition and subtraction operations from left to right:

-9 + 65 + 205 - 318 + -5

56 + 205 - 318 + -5

261 - 318 + -5

-57 + -5


Therefore, the simplified expression is -62.