when do you use affected and when do you use effected? For example,"how were you (affected/effected) by going to that college?"


See # 95.

As verbs ...
affect means the same as influence
effect means to make something happen, to bring it about

As nouns ...
affect (pronounced aa-fect, not uh-fect) refers to behavior
effect refers to the result of some influence

In your sentence, you should choose "affected." Do you see why?

The correct word to use in the example sentence you provided is "affected".

To understand why "affected" is the correct choice, let's break down the difference between the two words:

1. "Affected" is a verb that means to produce a change or influence. It describes the action of something having an impact on someone or something else. In your sentence, you are asking how going to that college had an impact on the person you're addressing.

Example: The rain affected our plans for a picnic.

2. "Effected" is also a verb, but it means to bring about or cause something to happen. It describes the action of initiating or bringing about change. The word "effect" can also be used as a noun, referring to the result or outcome of a particular action.

Example: The new policy effected positive changes in the company.

In your example, the question is about how going to that college had an impact on someone, so "affected" is the correct choice. You are asking about the effect it had on the person, not about the action of going to that college itself.

In general, if you're talking about the impact or influence of something, use "affected". If you're referring to causing or bringing about something, then "effected" may be more appropriate.