log2x=y in exponential form is xy=2 is this correct or could this be x^2=y

Irf you mean log base 2

2^log2(x) = x = 2^y

To convert the equation log2x = y into exponential form, you'll need to recall the definition of logarithms.

In logarithmic form, log2x = y means that the base 2 logarithm of x is equal to y. This can be interpreted as saying that 2 raised to the power of y will give you x:

2^y = x

So, the correct exponential form for log2x = y is x = 2^y.

Regarding your second question, x^2 = y is a different equation and not equivalent to log2x = y.

If you want to solve for x in terms of y in the equation x^2 = y, you can take the square root of both sides:

√(x^2) = √y

Simplifying, you get x = ± √y.