A car starting from rest accelerates at 49m/s^2. How fast is it going when it has traveled 325 meters?


To find the speed of the car when it has traveled a certain distance, we can use the kinematic equation:

v^2 = u^2 + 2aS

v = final velocity (what we are trying to find)
u = initial velocity (which is 0 in this case since the car starts from rest)
a = acceleration (given as 49 m/s^2)
S = distance traveled (given as 325 meters)

Let's plug in the values into the equation and solve for v:

v^2 = 0^2 + 2 * 49 * 325

Simplifying the equation:

v^2 = 0 + 2 * 49 * 325

v^2 = 49 * 650

v^2 = 31850

Taking the square root of both sides to solve for v:

v = √31850

Using a calculator, we find that v is approximately 178.63 m/s.

Therefore, when the car has traveled 325 meters, it will be going approximately 178.63 m/s.