Deduce this game of cows and bulls:

Guess cows bulls
245 2 ___

354 2 ___

423 2 ___

It doesn't seem that you've posted enough information for us to help you.

To deduce the game of cows and bulls, we'll analyze each guess and try to determine the number of cows and bulls.

Cows represent the digits in the guess that are in the correct position but are not the correct number, while bulls represent the digits that are both in the correct position and the correct number.

Let's analyze each guess one by one:

- Guess: 245
- Cows: Since there are two digits in the guess that are in the correct position but not the correct number, we have 2 cows.
- Bulls: We don't have enough information to determine the number of bulls since we don't have the actual answer.

- Guess: 354
- Cows: Again, we have two digits in the guess that are in the correct position but not the correct number, resulting in 2 cows.
- Bulls: Like before, we can't determine the number of bulls without the actual answer.

- Guess: 423
- Cows: Once more, we have two digits in the guess that are in the correct position but not the correct number, giving us 2 cows.
- Bulls: As with the previous guesses, we still need the actual answer to determine the number of bulls.

To accurately deduce the game of cows and bulls, we need the actual answer because the number of bulls is dependent on it. The information provided only allows us to determine the number of cows in each guess, but not the bulls. Hence, without the answer, we cannot fully deduce the game.