the new employee had aplomb,he required assistance

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the couple ordered ___ for hors d'oeuvres at the wedding a)pumpkin pie b)cake c)soup d)stuffed mushrooms ?

To find the meaning of the word "aplomb," you can consult a dictionary or use an online dictionary website.

1. Using a dictionary: Find a physical dictionary or use an online version. Look up the word "aplomb" alphabetically in the dictionary. You will find the definition of the word along with any additional information or usage examples.

2. Online Dictionary Websites: Open a web browser and search for the word "aplomb" using a search engine. The search results will likely include various online dictionary websites such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Click on any of the links to access the definition and related information about the word "aplomb."

When it comes to the term "aplomb," it refers to someone's self-assurance or poise, especially in difficult situations. In the given sentence, it indicates that the new employee displayed this calmness and self-confidence. However, the sentence also suggests that despite having aplomb, the new employee still required assistance.