He asked me if I would go with him to meet the prospective students _______ he said they might enjoy meeting someone who is a scholar and an athlete.

insert a semicolon
insert a comma and the word nor
insert a comma
insert a comma and the word yet

my answer insert semicolon


To determine the correct punctuation to use in the given sentence, it is important to understand the different conjunctions and their usage. Conjunctions are words that connect two or more words, phrases, or clauses.

In this case, the conjunction "and" is used to connect the adjective "scholar" and the noun "athlete." When two or more items are connected by a coordinating conjunction like "and," a comma is typically used before the conjunction. However, in this sentence, an additional element "he said they might enjoy meeting someone who is a scholar and an athlete" is inserted between the two connected elements.

To indicate that this additional element is a separate part of the sentence and not directly connected to the conjunction "and," a semicolon should be used.

Therefore, the correct answer is to insert a semicolon. The revised sentence would be: "He asked me if I would go with him to meet the prospective students; he said they might enjoy meeting someone who is a scholar and an athlete."