I am trying to answer some question for class I am needing to find and understand these theories can someone please explain them or help me find information on them I cannot find anything that I understand searching for these terms are they called some thing else please help

Relativistic Ethics
Entitlement-based Ethics

Sure! I can help you with that.

1. Relativistic Ethics: Relativistic ethics is a moral theory that suggests moral principles and judgments are relative to a particular perspective or cultural context. It holds that there is no universal or absolute standard of right and wrong, and moral judgments are influenced by individual beliefs, values, and cultural norms. Relativistic ethics emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and understanding different perspectives when making moral decisions.

2. Entitlement-based Ethics: Entitlement-based ethics, also known as rights-based ethics, is a moral theory that focuses on the concept of entitlements or rights. It suggests that individuals have certain moral rights that should be respected and protected by others, society, or government. These rights may include basic human rights, legal rights, or entitlements that come from social contracts. Entitlement-based ethics is often associated with the philosopher John Locke's theory of natural rights, which includes rights such as life, liberty, and property.

To find more information on these theories, you can try searching using alternative terms or related concepts to broaden your search. You can also look for academic books, articles, or reputable websites that discuss ethics or ethical theories. Additionally, you may find it helpful to consult ethics textbooks or reach out to your instructor or classmates for additional resources or explanations.

Relativistic Ethics is a moral theory that is centered around the idea that ethical principles and judgments are subjective and vary depending on individual perspectives, cultural norms, and historical contexts. It emphasizes the importance of considering the relative nature of ethical beliefs rather than relying on absolute or universal moral standards.

Entitlement-based Ethics, also known as rights-based ethics or deontological ethics, is a moral theory that focuses on the concept of entitlements or rights. It asserts that individuals have inherent rights and ethical actions are those that respect and protect these rights. This theory places importance on following ethical rules and duties rather than focusing solely on the consequences or outcomes of actions.

To find information on these theories, you can start by searching for academic papers, books, and scholarly articles using search engines like Google Scholar or academic databases. Use specific keywords such as "relativistic ethics" or "entitlement-based ethics" to narrow down your search. Additionally, consider looking for related philosophical texts or moral philosophy textbooks that cover these theories.

Some renowned philosophers associated with relativistic ethics include Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Michel Foucault. On the other hand, entitlement-based ethics is commonly attributed to philosophers like Immanuel Kant and John Locke. Exploring the works of these philosophers can further enhance your understanding of these theories.

Remember, conducting thorough research and taking the time to read and comprehend relevant resources will provide a better understanding of these concepts. Furthermore, you can consult your class materials or reach out to your instructor for additional guidance or recommended readings.