Did I do this problem right?

Here is how I solved this problem:
Is this correct?

Sorry to say this, but looking at that "solution" made me shudder.

the correct way ... assuming you meant:


Using long algebraic division, one gets

x - 4 with a remainder of -16

or you can use synthetic division to arrive at the same answer.

(x^2+4x-48)/(x+8) = (x-4) - 16/(x+8)

study this example


To determine if you solved the problem correctly, let's go through the steps together.

The problem you solved is:

(x^2 + 4x - 48) / (x + 8)

You factored the numerator correctly:

(x + 8) * (x - 6) / (x + 8)

At this point, you correctly identified that the (x + 8) terms cancel out, which results in:

x - 6

So far, your steps are all correct.

However, you made a mistake in your next step, where you wrote:

x + 4 - 6

The correct step is simply:

x - 6

So, the final answer is x - 6, rather than x + 4 - 6.

Therefore, the correct solution to the problem is x - 6, not x = 2.

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.