Question 5

Identify the correctly punctuated sentence below.
His hair was oiled and slick, as a result, the girl found him unattractive.
His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive, she left without a word.
His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive.
His hair was oiled and slick as a result, the girl found him unattractive

my answer

His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive.


You got it

Yes, you are correct. The correctly punctuated sentence is: "His hair was oiled and slick; as a result, the girl found him unattractive."

To identify the correctly punctuated sentence, you need to look for the correct use of punctuation. In this case, the correct punctuation is the use of a semicolon (;) before the phrase "as a result" and a comma (,) after it. The semicolon is used to connect two related independent clauses, while the comma is used to separate the introductory phrase "as a result" from the main clause.