The intersection of two planes

To find the intersection of two planes, you need to solve their equation simultaneously. Each plane can be represented by a linear equation in the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, where A, B, C, and D are constants.

Let's say we have two planes with equations:
Plane 1: A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = 0
Plane 2: A2x + B2y + C2z + D2 = 0

To find the intersection, you need to solve the system of equations formed by the two plane equations.

1. Start by setting up a system of equations by equating each corresponding variable in the two plane equations. For example:
A1x + B1y + C1z + D1 = A2x + B2y + C2z + D2

2. Rearrange the equation to isolate one variable. It's usually best to choose the variable with the lowest coefficient as it simplifies the math. For example, isolate 'z':
(A1 - A2)x + (B1 - B2)y + (C1 - C2)z = (D2 - D1)

3. Repeat step 2 to isolate another variable, either 'x' or 'y'. For instance, isolate 'x':
(A1 - A2)x = (D2 - D1) - (B1 - B2)y - (C1 - C2)z

4. Solve for the isolated variable. In this example, solve for 'x' by dividing both sides of the equation by (A1 - A2):
x = [(D2 - D1) - (B1 - B2)y - (C1 - C2)z] / (A1 - A2)

5. Once you have a value for 'x', substitute it back into one of the original plane equations to solve for another variable. You can choose to substitute into either Plane 1 or Plane 2.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to solve for the remaining variables. You should end up with values for 'x', 'y', and 'z', which are the coordinates of the intersection point.

Note that if the planes are parallel or coincident, there will be infinitely many solutions. If the planes are not parallel but do not intersect, there are no solutions.

It's important to note that if the planes are not defined by equations, but are given in a different form (such as parametric or vector form), you first need to convert them into their equation form before proceeding with the above steps.