13Hot flames poured out of the grill. The word hot is used


my answer

I never heard of cold or cool flames.

Your answer is correct. The word "hot" is being used connotatively in this sentence.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the difference between denotative and connotative meanings of a word.

Denotative meaning refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word. In this case, the denotative meaning of "hot" is having a high temperature.

Connotative meaning, on the other hand, refers to the emotional or associative values that a word carries. In this sentence, the word "hot" is being used to evoke a sense of intensity or excitement in relation to the flames coming out of the grill. It is not merely stating that the flames have a high temperature, but also implying that they are powerful or intense. This is a connotative use of the word.

So, by understanding the difference between these two types of meanings and recognizing that the word "hot" in this context is not solely referring to temperature but also carrying a suggestive or emotional value, you correctly identified option C: connotatively.