When I asked for a submarine, the convenience store clerk said he didn't have kits for making model ships with a confused look.

misplaced modifier
dangling modifier
faulty predication
incomplete comparison




Anyone who rides a bicycle every day will discover that they develop some muscles not developed by jogging. This sentence shifts in


MY answer

A. person

no...look at the subject of the sentence and the subject of the noun clause.



The correct answer is A) misplaced modifier.

Explanation: A misplaced modifier occurs when a modifier, such as an adjective or adverb, is not placed next to the word it is intended to modify, resulting in confusion or ambiguity. In this case, the modifier "with a confused look" is not properly placed next to the noun it is intended to modify, which is the convenience store clerk. As a result, it seems like the kits for making model ships have a confused look, instead of the clerk. To fix this, the sentence could be rephrased to: "With a confused look, the convenience store clerk said he didn't have kits for making model ships."