Look up the 12th amendment to the constitution and summarize it in several sentences. then discuss its impact on theelections of 1804 ?

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The 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that in presidential elections, separate ballots must be used to cast votes for the President and Vice President. It clarified and altered the process for electing the President and Vice President, building upon the initial electoral system outlined in Article II of the Constitution.

The 12th Amendment was adopted in response to the complications and controversies that arose in the presidential election of 1800. Prior to the amendment, the candidate who received the most electoral votes became the President, and the runner-up became the Vice President. This led to conflicts and discord within the government when President Thomas Jefferson served alongside Vice President Aaron Burr, who was his political rival.

The amendment introduced specific rules to eliminate such issues. It required the electors to cast separate votes for President and Vice President and stipulated that candidates must receive a majority of electoral votes to win. If no candidate secured a majority, the House of Representatives would decide the President from the top three candidates, while the Senate would decide the Vice President from the top two candidates.

In terms of its impact on the elections of 1804, the 12th Amendment solidified the newly established process, ensuring a clearer electoral system without the potential for contentious pairings like that of Jefferson and Burr. The amendment helped to create a more straightforward and organized approach to presidential elections, which continues to this day.