How do you conjugate tenir and jeter? and what would the passe compose be?


Just the passé composé or also the present? Here is the present first:

tenir = je tiens, tu tiens, il/elle/on tient, nous tenons, vous tenez, ils/elles tiennent
passé composé = j'ai tenu, tu as tenu, il/elle/on a tenu, nous avons tenu, vous avez tenu, ils/elles ont tenu

jeter = je jette, tu jettes, il/elle/on jette, nous jetons, vous jetez, ils/elles jettent
passé composé = j'ai jeté, etc.

Sra (aka Mme)


To conjugate the verbs "tenir" and "jeter" in the present tense, follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb's infinitive form: "tenir" and "jeter".
2. Remove the infinitive endings: "tenir" becomes "ten-", and "jeter" becomes "jet-".
3. Add the appropriate endings based on the subject pronoun:
- For "tenir": je tiens, tu tiens, il/elle/on tient, nous tenons, vous tenez, ils/elles tiennent.
- For "jeter": je jette, tu jettes, il/elle/on jette, nous jetons, vous jetez, ils/elles jettent.

The passé composé (composed past) is a compound tense used to talk about completed actions in the past. To form the passé composé of "tenir" and "jeter", you will need the auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have) and the past participle of each verb.

1. Identify the past participle of each verb:
- For "tenir": the past participle is "tenu".
- For "jeter": the past participle is "jeté".

2. Conjugate the auxiliary verb "avoir" in the present tense and place it in front of the past participle:
- For "tenir": j'ai tenu, tu as tenu, il/elle/on a tenu, nous avons tenu, vous avez tenu, ils/elles ont tenu.
- For "jeter": j'ai jeté, tu as jeté, il/elle/on a jeté, nous avons jeté, vous avez jeté, ils/elles ont jeté.

So, the passé composé of "tenir" is "j'ai tenu" (I held) and the passé composé of "jeter" is "j'ai jeté" (I threw).

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to conjugate and form the passé composé of "tenir" and "jeter" correctly. Let me know if you have any further questions!