I studied my history lesson.

should the H in history should be captilized or not?? need answer thank you.

No, history is not capitalized in that context

To determine whether the "h" in history should be capitalized or not, we need to consult the rules of capitalization in the English language. Generally, in English, proper nouns (names of specific people, places, or things) are capitalized, while common nouns (general names of people, places, or things) are not.

In the case of "history," if you are referring to the subject or field of study, it would be considered a common noun and therefore does not require capitalization. However, if you are referring to a specific class or course titled "History," then it would be considered a proper noun and should be capitalized.

In this specific context, since you mentioned that you studied your "history lesson," it seems to be a general reference to a lesson within the subject of history, so the "h" in history should not be capitalized.

Remember, capitalization rules can vary depending on the specific style guide or context, so always refer to your teacher's instructions or the guidelines provided.