It’s lunch time and you’re at Subway. You would like to get a 6” sub sandwich and a beverage for sure and are deciding whether or not you would also like soup and/or a cookie. You only have $13 on you. You also have certain nutritional requirements that your meal choice must satisfy. Below is a summary of the menu at Subway and your personal preference (on a scale; the highest number indicates your first choice) for each item listed. The prices of soups, cookies, and beverages are given, but you must find a local Subway for the sandwich prices. Time to order! Satisfy your monetary and nutritional requirements while maximizing your total satisfaction using your preference scale. Your nutritional requirements are below and Subway’s nutritional information is available in the Excel spreadsheet on BlackBoard. *Please notice that the nutritional information in Excel is organized in two different ways (vertically on Sheet 1 v. horizontally on Sheet 2). Use whichever template is easiest for you to calculate your answer, solve it using solver, and print out your spreadsheet with formula (choose formula/show formula in your spreadsheet toolbar. Don’t have to write down the algebra expression in a separate sheet).

Menu Item Preference Score Price
6" Sandwiches
BigPhillyCheeseSteak 1 4.99
BLT 3 3.09
Chicken&BaconRanch 6 4.39
ColdCutCombo 5 2.99
ItalianB.M.T. 2 3.36
MeatballMarinara 9 2.99
SpicyItalian 4 3.19
SubwayMelt 10 3.69
TheFeast 7 3.49
Tuna 8 3.19
Soup (10 oz. Bowl)
ChiliConCarne 4 $3.25
GoldenBroccoli&Cheese 1 $3.25
Minestrone 5 $3.25
RoastedChicken Noodle 2 $3.25
VegetableBeef 3 $3.25
ChocolateChip 1 $0.79
OatmealRaisin 4 $0.79
WhiteChipMacademia Nut 2 $0.79
Yogurt DannonLight&Fit 3 $0.79
Bottled Drink 1 $1.49
Juice Box 3 $1.49
Milk, Low Fat 2 $1.49
Fountain Drink 16oz. 4 $1.29

Subway also offers combo meals (e.g. 6” sub, cookie, and drink) for a lower price compared to purchasing each item individually. Explain how you could modify your model taking into account the option of these combo meals. There is no need to solve the problem, just provide an explanation.

So why are you not inputting the data in to "solver"?

To modify your model taking into account the option of combo meals at Subway, you would need to add the combo meal options to your menu and assign preference scores to these combos. Since combos include a 6" sub, a cookie, and a drink, you can determine the preference score for the combo meal by combining the preference scores for each individual item.

For example, if the preference scores for a 6" sub, a cookie, and a drink are 9, 4, and 3 respectively, then the preference score for the combo meal would be the sum of these scores: 9 + 4 + 3 = 16.

You would also need to consider the prices of the combo meals. Subway typically offers combo meals at a lower price than purchasing each item individually. You would need to compare the total price of purchasing the 6" sub, cookie, and drink separately with the price of the combo meal to determine which option is more cost-effective.

Additionally, you would need to ensure that the nutritional requirements are satisfied by the combo meal. You can refer to Subway's nutritional information spreadsheet to calculate the total nutritional values of the combo meal and compare it with your requirements.

By considering the option of combo meals, you can optimize your meal choice by selecting the combo that maximizes your total satisfaction based on preference scores, while still staying within your budget and satisfying your nutritional requirements.