
int first_value;
int second_value;

long result;
print f("enter your first value:);
printf("enter your second value:);
printf("the sum of two values is %d",result);

Let first value = 1600 second value = 1700
these values comes under the integer data their sum i.e. 3300 can't be accumulated under inter data type so long data type is used for the third variable that is result.
but the output is faulty, their is no solid for this behaviour please tell me any reason you can propose.
reply as soon as possible as i need it urgently.

From the given code, it seems that there are a few issues that might be causing the faulty output. Let's try to identify and address them one by one:

1. Header Files: The first line of the code should be "#include <stdio.h>", which is missing in the provided code. Please add it at the beginning of the code.

2. Clearing the screen (clrscr()): The code includes a call to the "clrscr()" function, which is not part of standard C library and might cause errors. In modern compilers, this function is not supported directly. If you want to clear the screen, you can use system-specific functions like "system("clear")" for Linux or "system("cls")" for Windows.

3. Input Format: In the code, there are missing closing double-quotes (")") in the statements that prompt for user input. Please add a closing double-quote after the colons in both these lines:
- printf("enter your first value:");
- printf("enter your second value:");

4. scanf() Format Specifiers: The format specifier used in the scanf() calls for reading integer values is incorrect. The correct format specifier for reading an integer value is "%d", not "%d&". Please replace "%d&" with "%d" in both these lines:
- scanf("%d",&first_value);
- scanf("%d",&second_value);

5. Variable Typo: There is a typo in the second scanf() statement. Replace "scanf("%d",&second_value:);" with "scanf("%d",&second_value);".

After applying these fixes, the code should look like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main() {
int first_value;
int second_value;
long result;

printf("Enter your first value: ");
scanf("%d", &first_value);

printf("Enter your second value: ");
scanf("%d", &second_value);

result = first_value + second_value;
printf("The sum of the two values is %ld", result);

return 0;

With these modifications, the code should give the correct sum of two integer values.