The Two Angles Are Complementary. The Sum Of The Measure Of The First Angle And Half The Second Angle Is 81.5 Degrees. Find The Measures Of The Angles



subtract the equations

B/2=8.5 deg

then find B, then go back and find A

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations. Let's denote the first angle as x and the second angle as y.

Since the two angles are complementary, we know that their sum is 90 degrees:
x + y = 90

We are also given that the sum of the measure of the first angle and half the second angle is 81.5 degrees:
x + (1/2)y = 81.5

Now we can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination method.

Substitution Method:
From the first equation, we have x = 90 - y. We can substitute this value into the second equation:
(90 - y) + (1/2)y = 81.5

Now solve for y:
90 - y + (1/2)y = 81.5
Multiply both sides by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
180 - 2y + y = 163
180 - y = 163
Subtract 180 from both sides:
-y = 163 - 180
-y = -17
Divide both sides by -1 to solve for y:
y = 17

Now substitute the value of y back into the first equation to solve for x:
x + 17 = 90
Subtract 17 from both sides:
x = 90 - 17
x = 73

Therefore, the measures of the angles are x = 73 and y = 17.