True or False...For several decades into the eighteenth century, American colonists continued to lead rather backward lives, isolated from British society and culture.

What do you mean by "rather backward lives"?

True. For several decades into the eighteenth century, American colonists continued to lead rather backward lives, isolated from British society and culture.

To find the answer to this question, we need some historical knowledge. The 18th century refers to the 1700s, and during this time, the American colonies were part of the British Empire. To determine whether American colonists lived isolated from British society and culture, we can examine historical records, accounts, and studies from that period.

By studying history books, primary sources, or scholarly articles about colonial America, we can discover that during the early 1700s, the American colonies were relatively isolated from British society and culture. This is because the colonies were separated from Britain by a vast ocean, making communication and travel between the two regions difficult and time-consuming.

Furthermore, the American colonies were geographically dispersed, with different regions developing their own local customs, institutions, and identities. Many colonists were focused on survival, working to establish communities, engage in agriculture, and trade with other colonies rather than being closely connected to British society.

Additionally, British authorities often pursued policies that reinforced this isolation. The Navigation Acts, for instance, restricted colonial trade to benefit the British economy and limited the colonies' commercial connections with other nations.

However, it is important to note that the degree of isolation varied throughout the colonies and changed over time. As the 18th century progressed, improved transportation and communication networks, as well as increased British colonization efforts, gradually led to closer ties between the American colonies and British society and culture.

In conclusion, while American colonists did experience varying levels of isolation from British society and culture during the 18th century, it is generally true that for several decades, they continued to lead rather backward lives, separated from the mainstream of British society.