Leah liked to balance objects she found around the house using the science kit she got for Christmas. She found that 3 identical apples and a 5-gram weight exactly balanced a 50-gram weight. Leah said she could tell how much each apple weighed by solving the equation 3a+5=50. Prove Leah was correct by finding the weight of 1 apple.

Answer: a = _____

3a = 50-5

3a = 45
a = 15
(if they really are identical, unlikely)


3a = 50 - 5
3a = 45
a = ?

3a + 5 = 50

3a = 50 -5
3a = 45

3a + 5 = 50

3a = 50 - 5
3a = 45
a = 15
3(15) = 45

On a game board, landing on blue means to move ahead 1 space, landing on red means to move ahead 2 spaces,a dn landing on orange means to move back 1 space. If you took 30 spins, about where would you expect to be on the game board, relative to where you started?

To find the weight of one apple, we need to solve the equation 3a + 5 = 50.

Step 1: Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation:
3a + 5 - 5 = 50 - 5
3a = 45

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate the variable a:
3a / 3 = 45 / 3
a = 15

Therefore, the weight of one apple is 15 grams.