As a manager, you are in charge of making the staffing decisions to handle this new project. You will have to assess the skills and competencies of your current 20-person team in terms of the demands of the new project. Since none of your current team has B2B outside sales experience, will six months be enough time to train some or all of your employees on B2B outside sales techniques, or will going to the external marketplace be the best solution?

To determine whether six months will be enough time to train some or all of your employees on B2B outside sales techniques, you'll need to assess several factors. Here are the steps you can follow to make an informed decision:

1. Evaluate the skills and competencies of your current team: Begin by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each team member in relation to the demands of the new project. Consider factors such as their existing sales experience, communication skills, ability to build relationships, and willingness to learn.

2. Define the scope of the training: Determine the specific B2B outside sales techniques that need to be learned for the project. Break down the necessary skills into smaller components and assess how much time it will take to train employees on each aspect.

3. Assess the training resources available: Evaluate the availability of training materials, courses, workshops, or external experts who can provide the necessary training. Research the quality and effectiveness of these resources to ensure they can deliver the desired outcomes within your time frame.

4. Consider the learning curve: Keep in mind that learning B2B outside sales techniques is likely to have a learning curve. This means that employees may need additional time to apply their newly acquired skills effectively and gain experience.

5. Analyze the feasibility of internal training: Assess whether your current team has the capacity to absorb the training while still meeting other project obligations. Consider factors such as workloads, deadlines, and the ability to allocate time specifically for training activities.

6. Estimate the overall time required: Based on the above evaluations, estimate the total time required to train employees on B2B outside sales techniques. Take into account the time needed for initial training, practice sessions, and ongoing support and feedback.

7. Compare the internal training timeline with the project timeline: Analyze the project timeline and the urgency to start the B2B outside sales efforts. Determine if the internal training timeline aligns with the project's needs. Assess the potential impact of delaying the project while waiting for employee training to be completed.

8. Consider external marketplace options: If the internal training timeline does not align with the project's needs or the skill gap is significant, evaluate the option of hiring individuals with B2B outside sales experience from the external marketplace. Consider the costs, time it takes to recruit, onboard, and integrate external hires into your team.

By following these steps, you can make an informed decision on whether six months will be enough time to train your current team on B2B outside sales techniques or if going to the external marketplace will be the best solution for your staffing needs.