Good writing costs companies money, and those costs increase significantly if the communication is ineffective. Which of the following pairs would NOT be two additional costs to the company if written communication is poor?

A. Computers and software
B. Lost goodwill and document cycling
C. Paper and wasted time
D. Postage and legal problems

The correct answer is A. Computers and software.

To determine which of the following pairs would NOT be two additional costs to the company if written communication is poor, we need to understand the potential costs associated with poor written communication.

A. Computers and software: Poor written communication can lead to increased computer and software costs. For example, if a document is poorly written and unclear, it may require additional editing or formatting using software programs, which can increase associated costs.

B. Lost goodwill and document cycling: Poor written communication can result in lost goodwill, as it can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and frustration among stakeholders. Document cycling refers to the process of circulating and revising documents repeatedly due to errors or lack of clarity. This can lead to wasted time, inefficiency, and increased costs.

C. Paper and wasted time: Poor written communication can result in the need for multiple drafts and revisions, which can increase the consumption of paper. Wasted time is another cost associated with poor written communication, as it can lead to delays, misunderstandings, and inefficiencies.

D. Postage and legal problems: Poor written communication can lead to the need for additional postage costs if documents need to be sent multiple times due to errors or lack of clarity. It can also result in legal problems if written communication is misleading, incorrect, or fails to comply with legal requirements and regulations.

Based on the above explanations, the pair that would NOT be two additional costs to the company if written communication is poor is A. Computers and software. Poor written communication may result in increased costs for computers and software, as mentioned earlier. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Computers and software.