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7x+14y over 10x multiplied by 15x squared diveded by x+2y

To simplify the expression (4xy)^-2, we need to apply the exponent to every term inside the parentheses. The negative exponent indicates that the expression should be reciprocated or flipped.

Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Apply the exponent to every term inside the parentheses:
(4xy)^-2 = 4^-2 * x^-2 * y^-2

Step 2: Simplify each term:
4^-2 = 1/(4^2) = 1/16
x^-2 = 1/(x^2) = 1/x^2
y^-2 = 1/(y^2) = 1/y^2

Now, substitute the simplified terms back into the original expression:

(4xy)^-2 = 1/16 * 1/x^2 * 1/y^2

Finally, we can multiply these terms together to get the simplified expression:

(4xy)^-2 = 1/(16x^2y^2)

So, the simplified form of (4xy)^-2 is 1/(16x^2y^2).