contemporary historians view turner's thesis that the frontier experience was a homogenizing one in american history as an exaggeration of its actual effects and influence.

true or false....


To determine if the statement is true or false, we need to evaluate the view of contemporary historians regarding Turner's thesis on the frontier experience in American history.

Historian Frederick Jackson Turner proposed the frontier thesis in 1893, arguing that the experience of the American frontier played a significant role in shaping American culture, democracy, and individualism. However, contemporary historians have reexamined Turner's thesis and have generally come to view it as an exaggeration of its actual effects and influence.

Contemporary historians argue that while the frontier did have some impact on American society, it was not a homogenizing force as Turner suggested. They point out that the frontier experience was diverse, with different regions, cultures, and ethnicities existing side by side. They emphasize that various social, cultural, and economic factors contributed to the shaping of American identity, rather than solely the frontier experience.

Therefore, based on the assessment of contemporary historians, the statement is true. They view Turner's thesis as an exaggeration, suggesting that the frontier experience was not as homogenizing in American history as he claimed.