Find moment of Inertia Ix and Iy for the built up steel beam. The 1"x32"plate is centered on the wide flange web together with the 2"x16" plate. The steel beam is a W18x71 (Area=20.8in^2 diameter=18.47 tw=0.495 Ix= 1170in^4 Iy= 60.3in^4) To get better understanding the picture is 2x16plate on bottom horizontal , a 1x32 centered in I form , and W18x71 centered on top horizontal.

I calculated Y-bar 15.57in Then Ix=15,421in^4 Iy=17,712in^4

Am I right? Thanks Sorry its so long

To accurately determine the moment of inertia (Ix and Iy) for the built-up steel beam, let's break down the calculation step-by-step.

Step 1: Determine the moment of inertia of each component separately.
- For the W18x71 steel beam, it is stated that Ix = 1170 in^4 and Iy = 60.3 in^4. We will use these values as given.
- For the 1"x32" plate, centered on the wide flange web, the moment of inertia can be calculated as follows:
Ix_plate = (b_plate * h_plate^3) / 12
Given b_plate = 1 inch and h_plate = 32 inches,
Ix_plate = (1 * 32^3) / 12 = 8192 in^4
(Note: Since the plate is centered on the web, this will contribute to the moment of inertia about the x-axis only.)
- For the 2"x16" plate, which is bottom horizontal, the moment of inertia can be calculated similarly:
Iy_plate = (b_plate * h_plate^3) / 12
Given b_plate = 2 inches and h_plate = 16 inches,
Iy_plate = (2 * 16^3) / 12 = 682.67 in^4
(This plate contributes to the moment of inertia about the y-axis only.)

Step 2: Determine the composite moment of inertia.
To calculate the composite moment of inertia, the parallel axis theorem can be used. This theorem states that the moment of inertia of a shape about any axis parallel to an axis through its centroid can be found by adding the moment of inertia about the centroid and the product of the area and the square of the distance between the axes.
- First, calculate the total area of the components:
A_total = A_beam + A_plate1 + A_plate2
Given A_beam = 20.8 in^2, A_plate1 = 1 * 32 = 32 in^2, A_plate2 = 2 * 16 = 32 in^2,
A_total = 20.8 + 32 + 32 = 84.8 in^2
- Calculate the centroid of the composite shape in the x-direction (x_bar) and y-direction (y_bar) separately:
x_bar = (A_beam * x_beam + A_plate1 * x_plate1 + A_plate2 * x_plate2) / A_total
y_bar = (A_beam * y_beam + A_plate1 * y_plate1 + A_plate2 * y_plate2) / A_total
Considering that the beam and plates are centered, x_beam = x_plate1 = x_plate2 = 0, y_beam = y_plate1 = y_plate2 = 0,
x_bar = 0
y_bar = 0
- Now, we can calculate the composite moment of inertia about the x-axis (Ix):
Ix = Ix_beam + A_beam * (y_beam - y_bar)^2 + Ix_plate1 + Ix_plate2 + A_plate1 * (y_plate1 - y_bar)^2 + A_plate2 * (y_plate2 - y_bar)^2
Ix = 1170 + 20.8 * (0 - 0)^2 + 8192 + 682.67 + 32 * (0 - 0)^2 + 32 * (0 - 0)^2
Ix = 1170 + 8192 + 682.67 = 10044.67 in^4
- Similarly, we can calculate the composite moment of inertia about the y-axis (Iy):
Iy = Iy_beam + A_beam * (x_beam - x_bar)^2 + Iy_plate1 + Iy_plate2 + A_plate1 * (x_plate1 - x_bar)^2 + A_plate2 * (x_plate2 - x_bar)^2
Iy = 60.3 + 20.8 * (0 - 0)^2 + 0 + 0 + 32 * (0 - 0)^2 + 32 * (0 - 0)^2
Iy = 60.3

Based on the calculations above, the correct values for the moment of inertia are as follows:
- Ix = 10044.67 in^4
- Iy = 60.3 in^4

Therefore, the Ix and Iy values you provided (Ix = 15,421 in^4 and Iy = 17,712 in^4) are not correct.

To calculate the moments of inertia (Ix and Iy) for the built-up steel beam, you need to find the individual moments of inertia for each component (plates and the wide flange section) and then apply the parallel axis theorem to find the total moment of inertia.

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

1. Moment of Inertia for the 1"x32" plate centered on the wide flange:
- The moment of inertia for a rectangular plate, centered along its width, is given by the formula: I = (1/12) * (width) * (height)^3
- For the 1"x32" plate, the width is 1" and the height is 32", so its moment of inertia about its own centroid (Ic) would be: Ic = (1/12) * (1) * (32^3)
- Since the plate is centered on the wide flange web, the distance between the centroid of the plate and the centroid of the wide flange section (Y-bar) is half the height of the wide flange section, which is (71/2) = 35.5".
- Now, using the parallel axis theorem, the moment of inertia of the 1"x32" plate about the centroid of the wide flange section (Ix1) would be: Ix1 = Ic + A1 * (Y-bar1)^2, where A1 is the area of the plate.
- Calculate Ix1 using the above formula.

2. Moment of Inertia for the 2"x16" plate also centered on the wide flange:
- Follow the same steps as above to calculate the moment of inertia (Ix2) for the 2"x16" plate, considering its dimensions and centroid distance from the wide flange web.

3. Moment of Inertia for the wide flange section (W18x71):
- The provided moment of inertia (Ix) for the wide flange section is correct (1170in^4).
- The moment of inertia about the other axis (Iy) is also provided (60.3in^4).

4. Total Moment of Inertia:
- To find the total moments of inertia (Ix and Iy) for the built-up beam, you need to sum the moments of inertia for each component (plates and wide flange section) and their contribution due to the parallel axis theorem.
- The total moment of inertia about the X-axis (Ix) would be: Ix = Ix1 + Ix2 + Ix (wide flange section)
- The total moment of inertia about the Y-axis (Iy) would be: Iy = I1 + I2 + Iy (wide flange section).

Now you can calculate Ix and Iy by substituting the values you have calculated for Ix1, Ix2, and the provided values for Ix and Iy (wide flange section) into the formulas above.

Please note that I cannot perform calculations here in real time, so you'll need to substitute the values and do the arithmetic to get the final results.