find the probability that of 25 randomly selected people, atleast two share the same birthday


365 + leap year

one minus this probability is the probability that everyone has a different birthday. The first selected person has a certian birthday, the second person has a probability of 364/365 of havng a different birthday, the third person has a probability of 363/365, etc. Multiply all the probabilities together and subtract from 1.

To find the probability that at least two out of 25 randomly selected people share the same birthday, we can use the complement rule.

Step 1: Calculate the probability that all 25 people have different birthdays.

The first person can have any birthday (365/365), the second person can have any birthday except the one that has already been chosen (364/365), the third person can have any birthday except the two that have already been chosen (363/365), and so on.

P(different birthdays) = (365/365) * (364/365) * (363/365) * ... * (341/365)

Step 2: Calculate the probability that at least two people share the same birthday by taking the complement of the probability calculated in step 1.

P(at least two people share same birthday) = 1 - P(different birthdays)

Therefore, the probability that at least two out of 25 randomly selected people share the same birthday can be calculated using the above steps.