a. Percentage of scores less than 100=50 percent

b. Relative frequency of scores less than 120= 0.34+0.135+0.0235+0.015+0.84
c. Percentage of scores less than 140
d. Percentage of scores less than 80
e. Relative frequency of scores less than 60
f. Percentage of scores greater than 120

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To calculate each of the given values, we need to know the total number of scores in the dataset. Without that information, we cannot provide exact calculations. However, I can explain how to calculate these values in general terms.

a. Percentage of scores less than 100:
To calculate the percentage of scores less than 100, you would divide the number of scores that are less than 100 by the total number of scores in the dataset. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

b. Relative frequency of scores less than 120:
The relative frequency is the proportion of scores that are less than 120. To calculate it, you would add up the frequencies of all scores less than 120 and divide it by the total number of scores.

c. Percentage of scores less than 140:
Similar to the first calculation, you would divide the number of scores less than 140 by the total number of scores and multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.

d. Percentage of scores less than 80:
Again, divide the number of scores less than 80 by the total number of scores and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

e. Relative frequency of scores less than 60:
Calculate the proportion of scores that are less than 60 by adding up the frequencies of all scores less than 60 and dividing it by the total number of scores.

f. Percentage of scores greater than 120:
Subtract the relative frequency of scores less than 120 from 1. Then, multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage of scores greater than 120.

Overall, to obtain accurate calculations, you would need the specific values of the frequencies or counts for each score range and the total number of scores in the dataset.